Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 23 - Tag Team, Round 1 of 7,450

Not much to say today other than that the babes sure seemed to be on the same page today. In other words, one screamed while the other slept. Reverse and repeat. All day long.

I had a brief fantasy that I might sneak a nap in this afternoon. Hehe. Haha. Bwahahahahh. Ehem. Hehe.

I remembered a thought today that I had during the babes' two-week stay in the NICU. I Remember feeling just a hint of sadness that their cries were so soft and squeaky--a little anemic sounding, really. Any trace of that sadness has been obliterated, my friends. Yessiree.

It's SO stinking cold out this week--negative double digits overnight and no positive doubles during the day. Not that I'm a weather wimp--I just wish I could take the babes outside. REALLY looking forward to spring.

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up, Daddio! Spring is right around the corner.
    Yes, the soft squeaky cry may be gone, but you have those cuddles, coos and smiles to lull you before the cries get REALLY loud! (I have reserved a VERY LARGE bottle of aspirin for you. Let me know when you need it!)
    Seriously, it DOES get better (and worse) when they can talk back and TELL you what they want/need.
