Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 6 - The Trend. Remember the TREND.

What a night. So this is what all the warnings and stories are all about.

Girl was inconsolable most of the night--that is until feeding time. More in a moment.

With Wifey transitioning back to work, we're really trying (so far with good success) to feed them between 2 and 4am. The goal being to allow her to feed them right before leaving for work. I have to say that we've done well, considering the opposition. Last night, however, it was...harder. Last night was the first night--ever--that there's been any extended period of inconsolable nighttime crying. (By the babies.)

Girl was fussy for a good portion of the day yesterday--and into the evening. Could be growth spurts, could be...I dunno...gingivitis. Anyhow, as bedtime came and went, they were in their cribs but she wasn't having any of it. I stayed up in the nursery, trying to nap on the twin bed (not to be confused with the twin's bed.) She was alternating between crying and screaming. Crying is better. 

While waiting it out, one of our two dogs barked to be let out of the bedroom across the hall. This is her new thing. She can hold it for 12 hours, unless someone is awake and she's thinking about it. Well, she was definitely thinking about it. I let her out and into the nursery and I returned to consolation duty. The dog promptly peed on the floor. Yay. I hurried downstairs to get the carpet stuff--now both babies were crying. I cleaned up the mess and sat back down to feed them. I should also mention the baby pee, spit-up, and poop outs sprinkled liberally throughout the ordeal.

Boy was still crying. Girl was now totally asleep. Out so cold that I almost got up for help. She was fine, but really had no interest in eating.

As I type this, it's surprises me how less-significant the situation seems. Well, at 2:30am, it seemed pretty damned significant. So much so that my jaw still hurts from clenching.

They're sleeping next to me on the couch right now. A very, very welcome relief. I'm mentally recharging. We're all exhausted.

Why are the line breaks so huge on this page? I can't fix that either.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Peter was inconsolable at night for a while. The kid just wanted to cry and cry and then just sit there awake. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Keep up the good work daddy-o! You and JoAnn are great parents! (and I haven't even seen you in action)
