Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Four - Vaccination "Fallout"

The babes both slept remarkably well last night following their vaccinations. We were told this might happen. There was one 6.5 hour stretch followed by a 5 hour; we slept pretty well too! 

One thing we weren't told, however, was that there might be a little bit of...constipation. Not to get too graphic, but I was a bit surprised that constipation can actually exist given the typical consistency of day-to-day liquid-diet diaper content. It can. We know this because diapers today were essentially just wet. Oh, and because of the explosion on the changing table just before bedtime. HO-LY CRAP. Our poor girl must have dropped half her weight. Wifey was sitting on the couch holding her and said, "Oh, my. I think I need help." I dropped everything, including [gently] the boy I was holding. She barely made it to the changing table in time. I shudder to think of the mess we would have found in the middle of the night had it not happened when it did. I couldn't help myself--I took a picture. I will not be posting or sharing it--at least not until I need ammunition during her teen years.

Another crisis averted. Except now we wait for Boy's turn. So far, no suspicious sounds from the baby monitor. Crossing my fingers.

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