Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Two - Preserving Sanity

Yesterday ended on sort of a downer--unrelated to the twins. But that's another story. Today, however, it was back to business as "usual". After a few hours of feed/change/wait/repeat, I decided to pack up the babes and head to the local mall. Seemed like a good time of day--school hadn't yet let out. Getting them in their infant seats is becoming easier. And yet, they're becoming more and more aware of the process, which proves less of a novelty to them--thus any impending fussiness is not forestalled.

We made it to the mall, after a quick fast food detour. I'm trying to be healthy and good to myself, but the stop sprinkled a bit of normalcy into my day. I score that as Body: 0 - Mind: 1. While pushing the stroller (aka, the bus) through the mall, I am intrigued by peoples' reaction to us. Lots of eyes see one baby, but not all see both. Those who do, tend to next look up at me--no doubt formulating some story in their heads. Then there are those who see the twins and say something like, "Oh, there's two!" And, "Look, honey, twins." Usually in the tone of voice that's meant to be heard only by others in their group. Maybe not even noteworthy--but I just take it all in.

Boy started fussing so much that I had to unstrap him and take him out. You'd think the Walmart doors opened at 4AM on December 26th. Wow, I was almost immediately swamped by a group of senior citizens awwing and cooing. "Not many men would do what you're doing." One said as they walked away. Maybe. But I think a lot of that has to do with circumstance. I think if a lot of men were in my shoes--they would.


  1. Good for you! Hey have you tried Bag Balm for the little guys bum yet? I swore by that stuff for my two. Also you might want to consider changing the brand of diaper if you are using disposables. Just some unsolicited suggestions from the peanut gallery! Enjoy each and EVERY day! Hugs and high fives to you and JoAnn!

  2. Thanks, Cathy! We will check into that.

    High fives back at ya!

  3. Congrats Daddio! It takes a pletiful supply of guts to take out ONE let alone TWO at this stage! My hat is off to ya! I didn't try my single until 3-1/2 months (not just out of fear but also doctor's orders.)
    I hope that you and the babes had a nice little breather today and continue to venture forth! We'll be watchin' for ya! (Can't wait to meet the little sweeties!)

  4. Thanks, scykky. Perhaps my new-dad-brain isn't fully firing--but I can't deduce your identity. TWG?

    Just pluggin away a day at a time. :)

  5. Love it! Nothing like being swarmed by cooing senior citizens! :)

    Hugs to the babes for me!!
